Hello Friends
    Welcome to my corner of Internet
    I'm bugswriter and my real name is on top of the site. I am a 24 old guy from India, who loves computers and softwares. I'm a software engineer, a teacher and a tech youtuber. But most importantly I am a man of culture.
This place is home for all my psychological dysfunctioning. A place where I am in control, with no censorship or manupilation. A place where my words don't get mixed up with noise.
- I like being honest with myself.
- I have very sensitive cringe sensors.
- I hate ads.
- I don't sleep at nights.
- I love computer science and technology.
- I hate emojis
- I believe in good humor or no humor at all.

[last updated: 08/05/23]
- channel - bugswriter
- subs - 20,000
- vids - 206
- views - 3,286,201